Prose for Thought Poems for the Soul

Out of lockdown! Finally!

This unusual lockdownTook us asideTo draw closer to HimPraying with perseveranceEvaluating our prioritiesFinding an uneasiness in our comfort zones Eve of lockdownBack to normalThere is

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There is a cry

There is a cry in my heartWhat’s happened to this generation of ours?Why all this indifference in young adults?What example are giving to our teenagers?Why

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Please Listen …

Oh to draw close to youTo hear your heartbeatTo listen to that silent cryAbove these tumultuous times Oh I hear Your incessant pleasDon’t you hear

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What will happen when we come out of Lockdown?Lockdown for some was just another of life’s frustrationsFrustrations demanding a return to life as it wasBut

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Outcasts of poverty

The Lord’s heart aches to see your loneliness Jesus looks upon the tears of your heart He specializes in restoring your collapsed lives Are you

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Godly indignation

I feel a Godly indignationAnd I must speak outI cannot remain silent so …Covid-19 is reaping panicAnd what do we do? Covid-19 is very dangerousFor

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