There was a brown hairy bat
Brian, by name
Who loved to be of assistance
No matter the difficulty or distance
Monday, he engorged crop-eating insects
Brian, the glutton
Eating a thousand in one hour
“I must admit they tasted sour!”
Tuesday, he readily donated some saliva
Brian, the ex-vampire
Containing a special blood thinning chemical
Its importance to humans being capital
Wednesday, sowing seeds throughout the forest
Brian, the horticulturist
Was helping with new plant growth
“You see, I’m not a sloth!”
Thursday, I contributed my echolocation skills
Brian, the scientist
Enabling the blind learn this ability
“I am of some true utility!”
Friday, I tell you some facts
Brian, the statistician
Accounting for a fourth of mammals
Living in colonies, we’re sociable animals
Saturday, “we’re not carriers of rabies”
Brian, the advocate
“We don’t attack the human race
So let me rest my case”
Sunday, is my day of rest
Brian, the bat
“My little friends consider this truthfulness:
All of God’s creation is faultless”