One dreary Monday morning
Morning on which I was dreaming
Dreaming of a far better world
World outside this big shop window
Window to a new freedom
One windy Tuesday afternoon
Afternoon on which I was taken
Taken from one cage to another
Another frustration along my long road
Road to long awaited freedom
One Wednesday early evening
Evening I was planning my escape
Escape once again to greener pastures
Pastures which would lead to happiness
Happiness finally ending in freedom
One Thursday at dawn
Dawn where I was very hungry
Hungry after my successful get away
Away from too many little hands
Hands lifted up to freedom
One Friday at lunch
Lunch when I found some berries
Berries hidden away in some undergrowth
Undergrowth along the never ending pathway
Pathway leading to desired freedom
One Saturday at dusk
Dusk where I was frantically despairing
Despairing of any long term change
Change of circumstances and of life
Life of hope and freedom
One bright sunny Sunday
Sunday where I came across peers
Peers worshipping the only true God
God who loves, cares and promises
Promises that wonderful eternal freedom