I call out to you
But no answer
I don’t understand
Because it’s all about Jesus
Your promises are so true
Now seem gone
You are faithful
It is all about Jesus
I have no strength left
Where to go
I am lost
Because it’s all about Jesus
My soul cries out loudly
In the darkness
Where are you
It is all about Jesus
No answer none at all
I am alone
Blinded by sufferings
Because it’s all about Jesus
The silence is audibly deafening
My faith sobs
What is happening
It is all about Jesus
I am utterly broken inside
No feelings anymore
Bleeding many tears
Because it’s all about Jesus
Finding no help in anything
Clutching at straws
Slipping quietly away
It is all about Jesus
Because it’s all about Jesus
It is all about Jesus
Because it’s all about Jesus
It is all about Jesus