Hannah, meaning Grace of God
Your birth was truly favoured
You are His precious handmaiden
You are His cherished daughter
He has a special plan
A plan to bless richly
Richly endowing you with talents
Talents consecrated to serving others
You are still very young
Your journey is before you
Life offers many wonderful possibilities
Commitment to Jesus is gain
Missed windows of divine opportunity
Overlooked open doors, closed doors
Rushing through our earthly pilgrimage
Is the tragedy of many
Your lifetime belongs to Christ
Learn to hear His voice
Bask in His beautiful presence
Appreciate His still quiet fragrance
Success is the ultimate goal
A goal focussing on the heavenly
Heavenly guidance is the best
Best to look to His word
Hannah, meaning Grace of God
Your birth was truly favoured
You are His precious handmaiden
You are His cherished daughter