My Lord loves me so very much
He gives me joyAmazing joy in
Aspiring ambitionsBubbling joy in
Bitter brokennessContented joy among
Challenging circumstancesDelightful joy despite
Divine disappointmentsEverlasting joy when
Experiencing eternityFantastic joy in
Frustrated failuresGiant joy in
Great griefHoly joy in
Hopeless heartacheImmense joy at
Ill-timed inventionsJubilant joy in
Jaded jobsKind joy in
Knotty knotsLively joy in
Learning loveMomentous joy for
Managing misconceptionsNatural joy for
Nadir nightmaresOrdinary joy for
Obscure opinionsPeaceful joy in
Perplexing periodsQuantum joy in
Quick quagmireRestful joy in
Resentful relationshipsSilent joy in
Sobering statesTrusting joy in
Troubled timesUtter joy in
Ultimate upheavalsVictorious joy for
Vanishing visionsWinning joy in
Wilderness wanderingsXylophone joy for
Xenophobic xenophobiaYearning joy for
Younger yearsZenith joy for
Zealous ZechariahWhere does it all come from?
It comes from deep within
Deep within the soul
This new life
From Christ
JoyThe joy of the Lord, His joy
Is our only strength